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[email protected]Shop our stunning collection of bezel set diamond ring - meticulously crafted ring designs featuring a metal rim that ascends perpendicularly from the surface, encircling the gemstone's girdle. This architectural marvel ensures the secure placement of the gemstone by delicately pressing the upper edge over its crown, thereby imbuing the setting with both structural integrity and aesthetic allure.
Also referred to as collet settings, these rings not only showcase the beauty of the gemstone but also provide lasting protection. Explore our collection of bezel set diamond rings below.
II you are looking for a piece of jewellery that is compatible an active life style, then the bezel setting may be perfect for you. Otherwise known as a ‘collet setting’ or a ‘rub over setting’, this technique embeds the gemstone into the piece. It is perhaps the safest way of setting a stone, as your diamond or gemstone will be secured nicely, fitted into a small metal cup. The rim of the cup holds the gemstone in place; it is then soldered to the rest of the piece.
There are many pros to this sleek and stylish setting. Perhaps the most important is security. Within this setting, your gemstone will struggle to move and is far less like to face damage than gems in other settings (claw for example). As the gemstone is less exposed, it is relatively safe from scratching, chipping or any other form of damage. For this reason, bezel settings are often chosen for softer stones (those ranking 7 or less on the Mohs’ scale), such as opals.