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AC Silver are pleased to offer a fine selection of contemporary, vintage and antique silver stirrup cups for sale.

These renowned drinking vessels became popular in the mid-18th century and are perfect for the silver collector, ready to use and also make a perfect gift.

Andrew Campbell, using his many decades of experience in this personally hand picks all silver stirrup cups for sale. All items include free and insured global shipping.

Our selection of stirrup hunting cups is comprised of exceptional examples of sterling silver, all of which are the finest of their type that we have come across.

hunting cups

Most popular in the late 18th and 19th century, antique silver stirrup cups are a form of drinking vessel which were presented to riders on horseback prior to leaving or arriving home from a hunt; this happened whilst their feet remained in their stirrups. The custom is most commonly English, however Scottish hosts would also offer "a parting cup” to guests that visited on horseback. They called this beverage "dochan doruis" which literally translates to "drink of the door" and this would also be served in a stirrup cup.

Specifically crafted for comfort when held in the hand and without a base, their small capacity allowed the liquid to be drunk quickly. On occasions they would sit to a bespoke crafted tray to fit their unique shapes. The beverage served in the stirrup cup was usually wine or a spirit-based punch mixed with various spices.

Early stirrup cups were essentially wine glasses without a base, as however their popularity grew silver stirrup cups were crafted in shapes that were relevant to the hunt, such as a hound or fox head. The rim of a stirrup cup would often be engraved with a motto or inscription from the hunt to commemorate the event.

Sterling Silver Stirrup Cup - Contemporary 2011
Price: GBP £2,695.00
Sterling Silver Stirrup Cup - Contemporary (2011)
Price: GBP £2,695.00
Sterling Silver Fox Head Stirrup Cup - Contemporary 2012
Price: GBP £1,535.00

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