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A & J Zimmerman Ltd (Arthur & John Zimmerman)

A& J Zimmerman was a silverware company founded in 1879 by Arthur S. Zimmerman and John Ulrich Zimmerman. The company was registered as a limited company in 1902, and finished trading in 1930.

A& J Zimmerman owned workshops in Birmingham and London, as well as holding a London Showroom, though most of their pieces were assayed to Birmingham.

Most of the items created under the name A & J Zimmerman were small, simple items of silverware such as photo frames and boxes, most surviving items are hallmarked between 1890 and 1910, which suggests that this period was the firms most prolific and successful.

Many pieces which were created were vesta cases or inkwells which incorporated compasses or clocks, increasing the value of the silverware in an intelligent manner, but still utilizing modest styles and forms of silver.

Little information survives of the history of the firm of A & J Zimmerman, however the lasting nature of so many of their items of silverware speaks to the quality and craftsmanship of their pieces.

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